The Oregon Seed Council is here to serve industry members, and elevate the work of the seed industry with partners, the public, government officials, and the media. The Oregon Seed Council offers several resources including – how to get involved and provide meaningful impact on issues of importance to industry through our Action Alerts; resources in Government Affairs; Regulatory and Research Information; and Committees for industry members to get involved with. Learn more below.
Action Alerts
Government Affairs
Federal Advocacy
Legislative Reports
Agency Rulemaking
Regulatory and Research
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OSC Committees and How to Get Involved
Industry members are welcome to participate in Oregon Seed Council Committees.
Government Affairs
Co Chairs, KC Coon and Kate Hartnell
The purpose of the OSC Government Affairs Committee is to propose, review, and make recommendations for Board consideration on legislative and regulatory matters.
Public Relations and Education
Chair, Alex Duerst
Provide insight and feedback on overall public relations and education strategy for the OSC, including engagement with the public, media, legislative and regulatory partners, marketing, and strategic partnerships with other organizations.
Chair, Charles Ortiz
The purpose of the OSC Scholarship Committee is to promote the OSC Scholarship program. The committee reviews applications, conducts interviews, and selects the scholarship recipient(s).
Seed Services Advisory Committee
Chair, Emily Woodcock
The Seed Services Advisory Committee’s stated purpose is to review and support seed services activities, including by review of the Oregon State University Seed Certification program, Oregon State University Seed Lab, pressing matters related to seed services, and shared interests through industry updates.
Smoke Management
Chair, Trevor Duerst
The purpose of the OSC Smoke Management Committee is to review and recommend the budget to the OSC Board of Directors. The committee discusses program updates on field burning, reviews the contract with Oregon Department of Agriculture, and supports the overall program. The committee reviews the annual report and recommends it for review of the OSC Board of Directors.
Insurance Workgroup
Chair, Doug Duerst
In 2023, many growers suffered reduced yields, and found neither the state, nor federal government had a financial assistance program in place to assist in challenging crop years. OSC began exploring financial options and identified crop insurance policy for grass seed and legumes as a strong interest by industry members. This workgroup is exploring ways to expand existing policy to meet the needs of Oregon growers.
ACTION ALERT: Testify Against Fertilizer Restrictions
WHAT: OPPOSE SB 747 – FERTILIZER RESTRICTIONS WHEN: Tomorrow, February 4 at 1 p.m. WHERE: Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Wildfire – Hearing Room D ACTION: Submit written testimony, […]
ACTION ALERT: Comments Needed on the EPA’s Insecticide Strategy
ACTION ALERT: SIGN INDUSTRY COMMENT LETTER ON EPA INSECTICIDE STRATEGY BY SEPT. 21, 2024 WHAT: The EPA released a draft Insecticide Strategy (IS) in late July. Public comments are being […]
ACTION ALERT: Comments Needed on the EPA’s Vulnerable Listed Species Pilot Project
Deadline: August 6 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has drafted a potentially devastating proposal for growers that would effectively ban or restrict pesticide use in parts of the mid and […]